Imagine this: The son of your God came down to earth and died for your sins. To honor him, you are supposed to sacrifice something for forty days, to prepare yourself for his rising.
Forty days. Doesn't seem like much, really.
What have you given up?
I have never been religious, but the rituals of religion have always interested me. I am the kind of girl who buys matzo at Passover. This year I am going to observe the tradition of a kind of fasting for Lent.
During the Middle Ages meat, dairy and eggs were often forbidden during Lent. I have given up, for the period of Lent, all meat, fish and dairy. To add a modern flair I have also given up white sugar. During Lent Sundays are considered "mini-Easters" and are not included in the forty days. I am adapting this a bit, allowing myself a meal with my mother and one other social meal a week outside of my fasting for Lent.
Lent traditionally consists of three practices: prayer, fasting and almsgiving (which Wikipedia also calls "justice towards neighbor".) I ask you this: why not make your almsgiving a donation toward my roof? I am doing the fasting. I've given up enough for three or four people, really.
Forty nickels. Forty quarters. Forty dollars.
Forty days. C'mon, rent my Lent.
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